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Letter: Coyote on increase in area

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
While hunting turkey on April 12 near Dutton, I killed a 43-pound male and a 39-pound female coyote. Another coyote was recently killed on the same parcel of land. Most hunters and farmers know that the species occurs throughout the area. Three coyote running together have been spotted several times in the Ware House Landing area, adjacent to Gloucester Court House, this spring.
In counties of western Virginia, the coyote is responsible for the killing of many sheep and calves. In more urbanized areas, small deer, turkey, small game and cats are their food of choice. If you live near a wooded or swampy area, do not leave your cat or small dog out at night.
Note, it is legal to hunt coyote 24 hours a day, all year long.
Mike Newhouse
Dutton, Va.

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