Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In response to S.M. Greaves’ letter of May 26, first: Ms. Mason said, “Mathews County needs to set an example.” They did. Eighty-six percent of the voters chose to keep the memorial where it is. This evokes the slogan from emerging African nations in the 1960s and ’70s of “One man, one vote.”
The citizens of Mathews said they would not kowtow to a woke cancel culture crowd. In response to the will of the majority, our board of supervisors wisely decided to consider ceding the land beneath the monument to a pair of non-political organizations, thus saving the county lengthy litigation and/or repeated voter referendums at God only knows what cost.
I take umbrage with the timing of Greaves’ letter, coming just before Memorial Day. First called “Decoration Day” when established in 1868, it was meant to be a day of mourning and healing for those who had lost loved ones on both sides of that tragic war. As the federal government took charge of Confederate graves and ...
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