Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Across the country school boards are being challenged regarding the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Last week in Gloucester’s meeting, it was reported that it was the largest attendance ever in its history and quite disruptive. Having been there to observe, I’d say it was passionate.
For those of you who are not yet aware of this crisis, it is essential that you become informed and fast. It is often referred to as a Marxist theory, but actually it is applied in the manner of Chinese communism by an indoctrination of shame, belittling and new methods of learning at ever-increasing levels and methods. In school, this indoctrination wraps itself around all subjects so it will not be in the curriculum as a subject. It is a general learning theory across the entire system of re-educating the child (K-12+college). It will come in various approaches under the names of CRT, SEL (Social Emotional Learning), VA Equity Education, and National Equity Project, among...
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