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Letter: Complex regulations impacting property rights

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

The news item appearing in the Dec. 29 edition of the Gazette-Journal ("Developer seeks board’s help in subdivision request") speaks directly to concerns expressed by the Concerned Citizens of the Middle Peninsula.

The issue of non-tidal wetlands, the distinction between what constitutes non-tidal and tidal wetlands, in conjunction with the plethora of various state, federal and local environmental issues, will have a very serious impact upon property rights.

The designation and identification of a non-tidal wetland now includes such flora as honeysuckle and the loblolly pine. The broad sweep of environmentalism in conjunction with the heavy regulatory impact and intent of Agenda 21 forecasts a repeat many times of the news story appearing in the Dec. 29 edition of the Gazette-Journal.

To shed some light on this issue, I urge Mathews County property owners and local officials to attend the presentation sponsored by the Concerned Citize...

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