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Letter: Community support appreciated

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Piankatank Community League owes a big thank you to league members and community friends who by their generous donations helped us have another successful Book Buddy Project. For a sixth consecutive year, the community league gave 65 gift bags of books to selected students at Petsworth Elementary School. This has been an ongoing project that we couldn’t have accomplished without community support. By accomplishing our goal to encourage kids to read at home and to become better readers, we hopefully will shed light on a pressing need to provide books to students to start their own collection of books to call their own. 
The community league has been in existence for almost 60 years and has been in the current building on Harcum Road since 1970. As you can imagine, the building is getting to that stage where repairs and updating are a must. Up until this year, our last major “fix-up” day occurred in 2009. Last month, approximately 13 le...

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