Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In its June 13 issue, the Gazette-Journal published two letters in reply in James Krupp’s letter discussing gun violence. One letter contained several arguments disagreeing with Mr. Knupp’s opinions. I was disappointed, however, that you chose to publish, unedited, a second letter from a Mark Truscott, which was largely a vitriolic, personal attack on Mr. Knupp (“Jimmy, if you don’t like our Constitution, go elsewhere. Venezuela has total gun control, your kind of place.”).
Such rancor doesn’t contribute to an open discussion of public issues, which is the stated purpose of the Gazette-Journal’s editorial policy. This newspaper has a duty to promote civil discourse of important issues, particularly those issues that evoke strongly-held opinions. Agree or disagree with Mr. Knupp’s suggestions on how to reduce gun violence, let’s recognize that we would all benefit from fewer gun-related deaths, es...
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