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Letter: Citizen committee should review budget

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The tax increase and budget has been passed. What can Mathews citizens do about it?  Taking a cue from the reported comments made by three supervisors, “take a good look at the line items to understand them better,” and “wants the board to examine the budget more closely,” “the citizens cry out for us to delve into the budget” (April 14 Gazette-Journal, page 1), I would agree that closer examination is indeed indicated, preferably before budgets are passed and taxes raised.
I propose that board of supervisors appoint a citizen committee, unbiased and objective, to review proposed budgets prior to submittal to the board for their action. This budget review would require each account manager to defend the need for county funds for operations in the future budget year. Rather than the baseline system Mathews County operates within today, a thorough “requirements-based” financial plan for the county could be prod...

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