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Letter: China is not our friend

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The devastating coronavirus pandemic has killed thousands of people here and the world over. According to the Centers for Disease Control as many as 200 viruses make their way to us from Southern China each year. Our economy has been shaken and our freedom of movement has been curtailed and disrupted.
China has never been our friend. Shamefully, American companies based in China—assisted by the globalist politicians—put their own interests before the interest of the American people.
If we can land on the moon, we can certainly make our own drugs, antibiotics and food products. One of our former presidents boasted buying Chinese low-cost products was good for the country, and we should be grateful. I believe low cost means poor quality and we should boycott immediately anything China sells us.
We must make China accountable for the pandemic and here at home demand the leadership of the House of Representatives stop their bickering and opening new investigations ...

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