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Letter: Cartoons in political ad were benign

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

In response to the "offended" Mr. Ashberry (Readers Write, Nov. 10) who denigrated Haskins Ramos for being neither Christian nor a decent man in any respect, I take issue with his "slanderous" remarks (one of the terms used to describe the thoroughly benign sequence of cartoons used by Haskins) in the Nov. 3 issue of the Gazette-Journal.

These remarks (in more than 433 words) could only be made and cause great concern and offense to one feeling the heat of good humor, and whiff of the truth and have a very "thin skin."

Don’t run for office, Mr. Ashberry, please. The "heat" would be just too much for you to bear.

As another cartoon (printed Nov. 10) wisely indicated, thank God there are still good people willing to put their reputations, "warts and all," on the line to run for office.

Elaine R. Owens

Mathews, Va.

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