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Letter: Baker for School Board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

For a decade, the Gloucester School Board has operated with Troy Andersen, its current chairman. While ten years in a position can be a testament to dedicated service, it also raises questions when significant aspects of that tenure are marred by controversy.

Recently, Mr. Andersen was one of only six individuals in Virginia’s history to be judicially determined to have falsely certified a closed meeting. This is not just a mark on her personal record but casts a long shadow over the integrity of the entire school board. Such actions break the sacred trust between elected officials and the people they serve.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that in his tenure, Mr. Andersen has never truly faced the test of a democratic vote. Without any opponents challenging him in elections past, one must wonder if he truly represents the collective voice of Gloucester or just the inertia of uncontested elections.

Enter Jenn Baker. She embodies a fresh start, a chan...

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