Editor, Gazette-Journal:
September 11, 2012.
On this day 11 years ago, America was attacked and more than 3,000 innocent people were killed. The killers also gave up their lives to kill Americans. Why did they do this? As an old World War II D-Day survivor, I remember the blood spilled to provide freedom for a godly country—our country—America. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
Our country was founded by Christian people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Mason and Hancock and scores of other God-loving people. We were blessed by God with a wonderful country full of natural resources. We have opened our gates and have allowed people from all countries to come and live in peace. No other country has done this except America.
Why then were we attacked in such a cowardly manner? The attack was actually an attack on God. Our Christian God is founded in love for your fellow man. The attackers’ God preaches hate. I predict that t...
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