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Letter: Another successful season

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

We have just completed another successful season of youth basketball. Approximately 175 students from Lee-Jackson and Thomas Hunter schools participated in the season that began in December and finished up on March 4.

With the Lee-Jackson gym out of commission, scheduling the many practices and games was quite a challenge. Mathews Baptist Church and the Mathews Boys and Girls Club came to our rescue. These two opened their facilities so that we were able to keep each team practicing weekly. Mathews High School opened its gym so that we could have games each Saturday. We would like to thank these groups for opening their doors to help us out.

Another group of people who keep this program running smoothly is our volunteer coaches. These people come out on their own time and give of themselves to help our students become better people, as well as better basketball players. If we try to list all the coaches and assistant coaches, we would surely leave someone ou...

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