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Letter: Andersen, Arsenovic, Scruggs, Saulman and Brewer for schools

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Gloucester citizens have an opportunity to elect a slate of school board candidates who will bring a commitment to academic excellence, school safety, teacher retention and compensation, and parental involvement to the board. They will not be distracted from their school board responsibilities by ideological grandstanding, social media conspiracies or personal political ambition.

This slate of candidates is comprised of Troy Andersen (Gloucester Point District), Leonne Arsen- ovic (Ware District), Kari Scruggs (Abingdon District), Cindy Saulman (At Large), and Fred Brewer (At Large). They have experience in teaching, law enforcement, business, budgeting, and school board leadership. They are parents and grandparents who are invested in the success of Gloucester students.

This election is an opportunity to reject the dysfunction and misinformation that has plagued the board over the last few years and refocus the board on what really matters for our co...

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