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Letter: America’s moral education

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Readers may recall that our recent election day—when only 26 percent of those eligible to vote did so—was warm and sunny. 
While passing out campaign literature, I met a very personable man who recounted an interesting story. This soon-to-be 50-year-old had attended the grade school where folks were voting that very day and reminisced about being in the second grade in 1972 and receiving a Gideon Bible for his very own use at school. I was astounded because it’s not unusual these days to hear from Gloucester’s residents—especially teenagers at public schools who know almost everything—about the “separation of church and state.” At Gloucester’s school board meetings they even begin with a moment of silence that makes me recall an oft-paraphrased G.K. Chesterton remark: “Those who believe in nothing will believe in anything.”
Gloucester school kids got Gideon Bibles in 1972? OMG.
I checked the...

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