Editor, Gazette-Journal:
On last week’s opinion page, seven writers had the same words to headline their letters: “For Crowley.”
One writer spoke of Crowley’s love of rivers and creeks, and her paid staff positions at the state and national level, and her knowledge of “discretionary” federal budgets. I thought of the trillions of dollars of debt via massive government spending from 2009 thru last year and cringed at Crowley’s candidacy. Another writer suggested that our present incumbents have put our lives at risk. I thought of the hugely expanded government regulatory reach those local incumbents especially Mr. Hodges have fought against and which Crowley encourages and I cringed again. Another writer moaned over their personal struggle to try to make ends meet but neglected to care about the challenge to the rest of us taxpayers by the laundry lists of programs from social engineers like Crowley and her lust for unbridled government power. Y...
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