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Letter: Abuses of power

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

President Joe Biden has proven himself to be America’s very own red menace after his creepy and disgraceful nationwide speech demonizing Republican voters as fascists and threats to democracy. This is another example of how out of touch and out of control the Washington, D.C., establishment has become.

These people would sooner see the United States totally destroyed than surrender their death grip on power. Anything goes and the law is just a pretense to maintain their power. There is a whole chapter of law in U.S. code dealing with immigration that is being ignored by the Biden administration. This is dishonest and a violation of their pledge to faithfully execute the laws of this nation that they falsely made when taking the oath of office.

There is a whole chapter of law dealing with contractual obligations and systemic financial stability that President Biden unilaterally cast aside with his student loan forgiveness plan. This also is dishonest a...

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