Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I appreciate John Wroten Jr.’s letter in last week’s paper (“What the world needs now is love,” Reader’s Write). After I read his and other opinions and had discussions with friends, I think I have found my answer to who would Jesus have supported.
Love is definitely the answer, so who was present at the Charlottesville rallies that encouraged and expressed “love”? It certainly wasn’t the protesters and it certainly wasn’t the “antifa.” The media focused on the aggressive aspects of the conflict while barely mentioning the efforts of a clergy group that was organized to participate in the demonstration. Their story is about the love we so seldom see, but have a great need to see.
Jack Jenkins, a religious journalist, has written the story of their quest and it is a must-read. Please go to https://thinkprogressive.org/clergy-in-Charlottesville-e957542415c3e/ and you may find a place where Jesus wo...
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