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Letter: A slippery slope

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
This is written in response to the letter writer who said the Gwynn’s Island black flight historic marker needs to be approved (“This dark history must be remembered,” Sept. 28 Readers Write).
This is the bad precedent that was set when we started renaming and removing anything related to the Confederacy. You set the precedent that knowing about the past is a bad thing. It says that knowing about the dark parts of the past is insensitive and not allowed.
This is the textbook definition of the term “slippery slope.” This is also why politics was a lot smoother in the past. Once we set precedents, we have to face the consequences. This is why now we always shut down the government when the party in charge can’t get their way. It’s also why now we impeach presidents over anything without any real crime. Once you go to an extreme then whomever is in power will do the same.
And in politics the pendulum always swings the other way eventually.
Hilton YoungHayes, Va.

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