Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The following is in response to the letter in the May 5 Gazette-Journal (“NAACP opposes proposed transfer”).
Well, here we go again. I don’t know what it would take to ever please your organization. The people spoke up in a loud voice when given the chance and the county voted over 80 percent to keep the war memorial in place. Had the people been given the chance to vote on the change of the name of Lee-Jackson, the name would not have been removed.
You are offended by the battle flag, which never flew over the Confederacy. But you’re not offended by the American flag, which flew over the United States for approximately 77 years before we had the War of Northern Aggression. Most people don’t even know which flags flew over the South.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy honor Southern heritage and our relatives that fought in the war, to keep their memory alive.
We have nothing to do with your organization. No rallies, no...
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