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Letter: A loss of independence

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

One never realizes how fortunate they are with all of their faculties until, unexpectedly, you’re down and awaiting the verdict after weeks of x-rays and consultations with many doctors, each evaluating your organs and central nervous system.

When you hear the verdict you are wheeled away, not saying a word. No longer independent as you once were; now dependent upon friends, relatives or, worse, spending life where you never thought was possible.

These are lessons you never thought possible. A new way to dress, undress and take care of those natural processes that have now become more difficult, especially when out in public. Whether you live alone or with family, many motions or movements are now denied, since you have become confined to a separate way to be ambulatory.

Businesses and government are required by the ADA laws to provide one with ease and access to their facilities and accommodations. There is a problem though in Gloucester and elsew...

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