Editor, Gazette-Journal:
For U.S. citizens, the right to vote is fundamental to our way of life and guaranteed by our Constitution. It’s a rite of passage for young adults born in the U.S., and an invitation to participate in our chosen form of government for naturalized citizen-immigrants. For individuals, voting is the most powerful tool we have for making our voices heard. As someone certified to conduct voter registration drives, I consider it a privilege to volunteer my time to help people complete the registration process.
Thinking that the public library would be an obvious place to set up a voter registration table, I was unprepared for the cold reception and the rejection that I received there. I was told that the property management company, The Harbor Group, did not allow “solicitation” or “political activity,” neither of which is part of a voter registration drive. I made it clear that I would not be selling anything or campaigning for anyone, ...
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