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Letter: A blatant political maneuver

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Part of the NAACP’s mission is to eliminate racial hatred. So why did they send a letter to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors misrepresenting the anger expressed toward the bad behavior of the board and staff as if it had been directed at other citizens on a racial basis?
In case Ms. Turner [Mathews NAACP chairman Edith Turner] overlooked it, the entire board voted in December 2019 to make Mathews a Second Amendment Sanctuary. People quietly and safely carry weapons throughout the county. Unlike other areas of the country, Mathews is a safe place—for everyone. People congregate and travel through the court house area daily to county, school board, Gazette-Journal and other offices, shops and restaurants.
Trying to paint the historic court house area as unsafe and contrary to those who believe in civil rights is a blatant political maneuver to influence the November referendum on removing the Confederate Memorial and an unfair attack on our county. The Or...

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