Editor, Gazette-Journal:
On behalf of the Mathews Land Conservancy, I would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Mathews Market Days 5K Run and Junior Mile, held at Williams Wharf Landing. The weather was perfect for the ninth annual race and the great attitudes of the runners made the whole event fun and successful.
I would also like to thank the outstanding volunteers who helped on race day. Without you giving your time during Market Days, this race couldn’t happen and the runners and I appreciate your efforts year after year.
Our Gold Medal sponsor this year was Mathews Market Days and Silver Medal sponsors were Donk’s Theater, Mathews Family YMCA and Chesapeake Bank. Bronze Medal sponsors include Mathews Pharmacy and the Mathews Visitor and Information Center. Thanks also to Road ID, Donk’s Theater, Inside Out Body Shop, Moughons Inc., Bay School of the Arts, Real Goods, Cattail’s, MAG, Linda’s Diner, Seabreeze Restauran...
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