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Letter: 21 reasons for Obama

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Vice presidential candidate Paul D. Ryan was quoted in Monday’s New York Times as saying that President Obama "cannot run on his record." I vehemently disagree; our president’s record has been impressive! Here are 21 reasons why:

1. Crafted a stimulus that saved this nation from a crushing depression.

2. Saved the auto industry.

3. Stabilized the financial institutions.

4. Got our nation out of Iraq.

5. Is on target to get our nation out of Afghanistan.

6. Is vigorously attempting to defuse the Iranian threat through diplomacy.

7. Boldly "took the bull by the horns" and resolved the threat of Osama bin Laden.

8. Eliminated "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" in the Armed Forces.

9. Has been a forceful advocate for our veterans and wounded servicemen and women.

10. Appointed two outstanding Justices to the Supreme Court.

11. Brought affordable health care to millions of our citizens.

12. Made college more affordable for al...

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