This past weekend’s hot and humid weather did not deter many people from coming outdoors and enjoying the 42nd annual Mathews Market Days festival Friday and Saturday in and around Mathews Court House.
Dee Russell, chair of the Market Days Committee, said though this was the first year that Mathews County Public Schools didn’t close early on Friday for the festival, food vendors experienced record sales during the day.
Saturday was “an extremely good day” for both food and arts and crafts vendors, Russell said. “It was to the point that by the end of the day, food vendors were running out of food.”
She said Saturday evening’s entertainment got off to a slow start. However, there was a much better turnout for the later sets, Russell added. Food and other vendors also ended up staying later than normal to be there during the entertainment, which closed out the festival. “We’ll continue to do the Saturday evening entertainment next yea...
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