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Keeping warm amid falling temps

As temperatures fall outside, Phillips Energy is helping people keep warm inside. Phillips Energy supplies petroleum products such as diesel, heating oil, gasoline and propane to commercial and residential customers and has a fueling station in Hayes that is open to public.

Vice president Elizabeth McCormick said it’s around this time of year when most of the business Phillips Energy sees transitions from boaters and marinas to people calling to have their tanks serviced and refilled before winter. She said they get calls from folks looking to have their gas logs serviced and cleaned before turning them on.

Service reminders are sent out in September to their customers, reminding them to have their tanks refilled, said McCormick. Phillips Energy also offers payment plans for its customers to help keep tanks filled while the weather changes.

McCormick said such refillable tanks can provide energy to a person’s home to run dryers, water heaters, kitchen appliances and more. She...

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