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Jones, Hudgins to lead Mathews board in 2023

The Mathews County Board of Supervisors held its annual organizational meeting Tuesday, electing board member Dave Jones as chair and former chairman Paul Hudgins as vice chair. County Administrator Ramona Wilson was again appointed clerk to the board, while Senior Executive Associate Judi Green was again appointed deputy clerk.

Among matters addressed during the meeting was adoption of the board’s code of ethics and bylaws. While only minor changes had been proposed in advance for either document, supervisor Mike Walls requested a change that turned into an extensive discussion of roll call voting, with no ultimate resolution.

Walls said that no other counties in Virginia vote by roll call, but that members instead vote aye or nay. The Mathews board voted that way, as well, until 2018, he said. Jones agreed.

County Attorney Andrea Erard explained that the Code of Virginia expressly states that roll call voting is required, and she told of an instance in which Hanover County,...

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