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James steps down as Secretary of the Commonwealth

Kay Coles James, founder and chairman of the Gloucester Institute board, has stepped down from her role as Secretary of the Commonwealth, Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced Tuesday. Youngkin appointed Kelly Gee to serve as James’s successor.

“Secretary James is a leader, a trailblazer and a dedicated public servant to our commonwealth and our nation,” Youngkin said. “I thank Kay for her service to Virginians and for her expertise as we made impactful change. Together, she helped us deliver on our promises to change the trajectory of the commonwealth. I am grateful for her immense contributions and proud to call her a friend.

“We’re pleased Kelly Gee will be serving our administration as the new Secretary of the Commonwealth,” the governor added. “Her valuable expertise, years of public service, and commitment to serve Virginians will make her an excellent Secretary.”

“What a pleasure it has been serving the citizens of the Commonwealth and our incredible Governor,” James said. “We...

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