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Italian feast will warm body and soul; volunteers do the cooking

Come Saturday, ticket holders will have a pleasant evening, dining at the 14th annual Italian Feast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.

When John and Carol McCormack of Mathews made the arrangements for the first Italian Feast, it was a no-cost dinner to celebrate the Rev. John Boddie’s 25th year of service to the Catholic Church. As a big success, it was decided to carry on annually, missing only one year due to COVID-19, with the proceeds given back to the communities served at Francis de Sales in Mathews and Church of the Visitation in Topping.

“Our purpose,” John McCormack explained, “we want people to have a happy and enjoyable experience while dining on a true Italian meal with wine.”

It takes about two months to get everything arranged and three days preparing the meal, John added. “Everyone helps. I asked for volunteers and 40 to 50 people responded. We hold the feast at the Church of the Visitation because of better kitchen arrangements and it’s a better venue.”


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