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Hutson, Andersen to hold joint meeting Feb. 25

Gloucester supervisor Chris Hutson and school board member Troy Andersen will host a joint community meeting for Gloucester Point district constituents at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 25, in the Abingdon Elementary School library.

The two elected officials are holding this meeting to provide residents with an opportunity to share their comments, concerns and questions about county and school issues.

Topics on the agenda include the construction of the new Page Middle School, renovations to the T.C. Walker Educational Center, the fiscal year 2014 budget process, as well as issues and concerns specific to the Gloucester Point area.

For more information about the community meeting, contact Andersen at 695-7430 or, Hutson at 642-9900 or or the Gloucester Department of Community Education at 693-5730 or

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