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Henderson resigns as GMHS executive director

The Gloucester- Mathews Humane Society is once again left without an executive director.
The organization announced Tuesday that Betsy Henderson resigned her position as executive director of the shelter, which is effective Friday. 
According to GMHS board president Richard Crowder, a successor for Henderson has not been named. In the interim, her duties will be handled by board members and staff.
Henderson became acting executive director in September 2013 and prior to her appointment, served as a member of the GMHS board of directors and was an active volunteer.
Crowder praised Henderson, saying, “She was a very effective board member, who took on many roles in the society’s fundraising activities, and then stepped up to the plate when we needed someone to take over the leadership role at the shelter. It is my hope that Betsy will be able to resume her positions on various committees she has worked on for the shelter.”
Henderson has been the second executive di...

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