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Helping Hands completes 25 projects for needy Gloucester families

More than 120 youth and about 100 adult volunteers descended on Gloucester County last week to grow spiritually and assist dozens of residents with needed repairs to their homes.
The 13th annual Helping Hands Mission Camp completed 25 projects during its weeklong camp, ranging from building handicapped ramps to patching roofs and pressure washing homes.
The camp’s director Linda Loase said that Helping Hands is aimed at instilling life lessons in its youth participants that last a lifetime.
“The kids are so overwhelmed,” she said. “This camp brings a humble spirit to their hearts.” Loase said several campers told her the week of going and helping those in need helped them realize just how much they have and how others have very little.
The camp was not all work, though. Campers rose each morning at 6:30 from camp headquarters, which was Providence Baptist Church, Ordinary. They started their day with devotionals and breakfast, which was prepared by a speci...

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