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Healthy blood donors urged to give

The American Red Cross is urging healthy, eligible individuals who are feeling well to give blood or platelets to help maintain a sufficient blood supply and prevent shortages as concerns about the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, rise in the U.S.
Cold and flu season has already impacted the nation’s ability to maintain its blood supply, a Red Cross release stated. As the number of coronavirus cases grows in the U.S., the number of people eligible to give blood for patients in need could decrease further.
“We’re asking the American people to help keep the blood supply stable during this challenging time. As communities across the country prepare for this public health emergency, it’s critical that plans include a readily available blood supply for hospital patients,” said Chris Hrouda, president, Red Cross Blood Services.
“As fears of coronavirus rise, low donor participation could harm blood availability at hospitals, and the last thing a patient should worry about i...

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