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Hazardous household waste collection Saturday

The spring collection for harmful household waste in Gloucester County will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Residents are encouraged to dispose of such waste materials at the Middle Peninsula Landfill and Recycling Center, Glenns.
County residents may take lawn and garden chemicals such as fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides, as well as pool chemicals and household cleaning products, according to a release. Acceptable items also include rechargeable batteries, automotive batteries, gasoline, oil and automotive fluids. Electronics may also be brought for processing for reusable materials.
Explosives and ammunition, medical waste and products containing asbestos will not be accepted. Items are accepted in reasonable household amounts, the release stated. Also, harmful waste generated by businesses will not be accepted. 
For more information, call 804-693-5370.

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