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Ham radio operators to hold Field Day at Abingdon Park this weekend

Limited numbers of members of the Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club will participate in the annual ARRL Field Day again this year from Abingdon Park in Hayes from Saturday through Sunday afternoon.

However, unlike previous years, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, rules have been altered somewhat by the American Radio Relay League who has been the sponsor of this event since 1933. Last year, over 35,000 amateur radio operators, known as Hams, took part in this event, many operating from clubs across America.

This year will be quite different, due to the risk of coronavirus transmission. Members attending the event will observe health department recommendations while maintaining social distancing. Many may choose to operate from home or in small groups on emergency power sources such as generators, batteries or solar power using either their regular station or makeshift antennas as traditionally done during Field Day.

Unlike previous years, contact between those home stations usi...

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