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Half of state’s Labor Day weekend fatalities involve motorcycles

Despite a significant decrease in fatal traffic crashes over the 2021 Labor Day holiday weekend for Virginia, there was a number of deaths among motorcyclists.
Of the eight traffic deaths reported for the holiday weekend, four involved motorcycles and one involved a moped. During the 2020 Labor Day weekend, there were a total of 20 traffic fatalities on Virginia’s highways. In addition, state police arrested 59 impaired drivers during the recent holiday weekend.
Over the 2021 four-day holiday statistical counting period, the eight fatal traffic crashes occurred in the counties of Bedford, Charlotte, Hanover, Madison, Suffolk and Wythe, along with the cities of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. State police investigated a total of 778 traffic crashes during the holiday weekend.
As a result of state police traffic safety enforcement efforts during the 2021 statistical counting period, which began at 12:01 a.m. Friday, Sept. 3, and concluded at midnight Monday, Sept. 6, Virginia troopers stoppe...

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