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GVFRS purchases Court House property for future expansion

The Gloucester Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad, Inc., has purchased the building behind Station #1 on Main Street that used to house Gloucester Pediatrics, and years before that, Dr. Raymond Brown’s medical practice.
GVFRS purchased the building and the 0.7 acre it sits on adjacent to Walker Avenue from Leo Sulik for $425,000 last week. According to squad president Bruce Soles, the money to purchase the property came from a bequeathal specifically designated for the squad’s future expansion. “It was not purchased with county funds,” Soles said.
In the immediate future, he said, the building will be used as rental income for the squad, as it plans on continuing to rent two apartments and other space that is available in the building.
Soles said Sulik approached GVFRS with an offer to purchase the property for “an extremely good price.”
According to Gloucester County property records, Sulik purchased the property in 2005 for $1.2 million.
Down the road...

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