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GUEST donation

The Peasley Middle School National Junior Honor Society recently collected supplies to donate to the GUEST homeless shelter. Shown with some of the supplies are NJHS members, seated from left, Hannah Symonds, Jermara Green, Chloe Sylvester; kneeling from left, Chris Shao, Addy Zabicki, Peyton Sutton, Rylie Jeffrey, Madelyn Fox, Mackenzie Varhola, Hannah Broadwell, Shyanne Carlton, Olivia Gray; third row, Max Bell, Kollin Wilson, Chandler Howlett, Lane Briggs, Jacob Menges, Peasley assistant principal Cathy Balderson; back row, NJHS sponsor Molly McFerrin, Austin Miller, Karl Dean, Jacob English, Tyler Hawkey, Madeline Nelson, Emma Smith, Emma Layton, Kindred Worrell, Haley Johns and GUEST representative Yvonda Roberts-Whitfield.

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