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Grimm case sent back to federal district court

After being on the brink of being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, the lawsuit filed by a transgender Gloucester teen against the Gloucester County School Board was sent back last week to the federal district court where it started.
Former Gloucester High School student Gavin Grimm, a transgender boy, filed the suit in July 2015 alleging that the board’s policy of assigning students to restrooms based on biological sex violated Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. 
At issue now is whether the case has become moot because Grimm graduated from GHS in June of this year.
After the first hearing in federal district court in Norfolk in the fall of 2015, the court dismissed the Title IX claim and denied Grimm’s motion for a preliminary injunction that would have allowed him to use the boys’ restrooms while the case proceeded. 
In April 2016, the federal fourth circuit court of appeals reversed the dismissal of the Title IX claim, based on...

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