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Grimm case remanded back to appeals court

U.S. Supreme Court Justices decided Friday in a conference not to hear the case of a transgender Gloucester High School student seeking to use the GHS restrooms that align with his gender identity. The hearing had been set for March 28.
In deciding not to hear the case, the justices remanded it to the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals for further consideration in light of the guidance issued by the U.S.Department of Education and U.S. Department of Justice on Feb. 22.
GHS student Gavin Grimm, who was born female but identifies as a male, sued the Gloucester School Board after it passed a policy that restricts the use of restrooms and locker rooms to corresponding biological genders, while at the same time providing alternatives for transgender students.
Grimm, represented by the ACLU, claimed the board’s restroom policy discriminated against him on the basis of gender and sex in violation of the Equal Protection Clause and Title IX.
The new guidance replaced former guidance is...

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