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Great celebration at Beulah Church is coming

115 YEARS AGOThursday, July 2, 1908from the Mathews Journal

Great preparations are being made for the celebration which is to take place at Beulah Church on July 4. There will be a large crowd present. Refreshments will be served throughout the day. A goodly number of visitors are expected as there will be speech making by prominent clergymen and laymen and a great effort will be made to liquidate the debt on Beulah Church.

110 YEARS AGOThursday, July 3, 1913from the Mathews Journal

Mr. C.W. Campbell, formerly of this county, more recently of New York, has purchased the valuable store property owned by Mr. W.G. Miles at Mobjack, and will open up an up-to-date general merchandise establishment there. He expects to carry in addition to the usual lines, notions, gents’ furnishings and millinery. Mr. Miles will remain in the county temporarily.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, July 5, 1923from the Gloucester Gazette

A large crowd was present at the Gloucester Fair Grounds yesterday f...

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