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GO Virginia grants aid region, including Gloucester

Gloucester County is among various localities across Virginia that stand to benefit from $8.1 million in Growth and Opportunity for Virginia grants recently awarded across the state by GO Virginia.
Gloucester is one of 14 localities that are part of the Hampton Roads Workforce Council, which is largely in GO Virginia’s Region 5 district, covering much of the Hampton Roads area. The workforce council was the recipient of a $250,000 grant for its Talent Pathways Planning Initiative. The project will develop a plan for Region 5 to coordinate and tailor talent needed in Hampton Roads’ cybersecurity/data analytics/modeling and simulation cluster, as well as its unmanned systems and aerospace cluster.
Gloucester is also included, along with King George County and the town of Colonial Beach, in a $98,000 award for King George County Economic Development and Tourism Department’s Young Entrepreneurs Program, which will develop and pilot a pitch competition for students to present business desig...

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