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GMHS volunteers save lives

April 16 to 22 marks National Volunteer Week, and Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society is grateful to the many dedicated volunteers who help make the organization’s dream of saving even more lives a reality. Their collective efforts help make GMHS a life-saving shelter, and GMHS appreciates the many ways our volunteers ensure the community remains a beacon of hope and safe harbor for homeless pets.

In 2023, GMHS volunteers devoted 24,316 hours to saving and transforming the lives of homeless pets. GMHS volunteers provide a multitude of services needed to keep pets happy and the shelter running. Never afraid to roll up their sleeves and tackle a new task, GMHS volunteers pitch in when and where they are needed most. Every task is important, and the GMHS team sincerely appreciates every volunteer hour given.

Among the many forms of support provided by devoted GMHS volunteers are dog walking, cat socializing, and folding the mountain of laundry generated each day. Volunteers also driv...

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