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GMHS responds to criticism

Recent concerns voiced over the management of the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society, employee turnover rates and alleged problems with the adoption process have been discouraging to members of the organization’s board of directors, who say they have seen nothing but positive changes take place within the shelter in recent months.
GMHS board president Richard Crowder, vice president P.B. White and executive director Nichola Redmond sat down Tuesday morning with this reporter to discuss some of the new processes that have been implemented at the shelter, each designed to make the lives of the animals and their future families more promising.
Redmond said she couldn’t speak to anything that occurred prior to when she came on board as executive director in December, but said since then, there has been “very little turnover.
“With any other job situation where you have people starting at minimum wage, if they find a better opportunity, they generally move on,” ...

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