Gloucester County will be introducing new voting machines for the upcoming Nov. 7 election.
The new machines replace the Direct Record Electronic voting equipment, which was decertified by the Virginia State Board of Elections last week.
According to Gloucester registrar Bobbi Morgan, the new machines, Dominion Voting System’s ImageCast Evolution, provide both ballot scanning and accessible ballot marking solutions in one universal integrated service.
Voters will mark their ballots by filling in ovals completely next to the candidates of their choice. The ballots are then inserted into the tabulator.
Mathews registrar Carla Faulkner said that her county introduced the new machines during the June primary election. “They went over beautifully,” Faulkner said.
The Virginia SBE requested a security assessment by the Virginia Information Technology Agency of various paperless voting systems in use in Virginia and determined that decertification was necessary to safeguard ...
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