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Gloucester teen is a winner: She made her mark at the fair and in the kitchen

At the age of 13, Sarah Guinn has already become a junior master gardener. She won 17 ribbons and two sweepstakes awards at this year’s Gloucester Fair for doing what she loves to do: farm in all its aspects. But her talent doesn’t stop in the garden; Sarah knows how to make use of the harvest in her mom’s kitchen.

Farming is a partnership with her dad, Dan Guinn. "My dad can grow anything," Sarah proudly states as a smile crosses her face.

The Guinns reside at Dutton but their garden is located in Harcum. Sarah and her dad plant, cultivate, nurture and then harvest, from one acre, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelons, beans, pumpkins, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers and squash, to name a few of their crops. Until Dan decided to purchase a Precision Garden seeder, he and Sarah would plant by hand. "This piece of equipment has made it much easier," she said

Their seeds come from everywhere. As a member of 4-H, Sarah has even brought home seeds t...

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