The Gloucester County School Board will hold an electronic work session beginning at 5:30 p.m. today. The meeting will be broadcast live on Cox channel 48 and can also be viewed online at
The agenda includes consideration of emergency pay for non-exempt employees, discussion of the fiscal year 2020 budget, follow-up discussion on the FY2021 budget, and discussion of the FY2021 school calendar survey.
The meeting will include a citizen’s comment period when comments will be allowed regarding specific agenda items.The open meeting will be followed by a closed meeting in which the board will discuss personnel items and consult with legal counsel regarding the Grimm vs. Gloucester County School Board civil case.
During the citizen’s comment period, comments can be made via a dial-in telephone line. Beginning at 5:30 p.m., dial 804-693-5842. Your call will be placed in a queue and answered in the order it is received once the public comment period begins.
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