Sixteen high school students from 10 Virginia schools participated in the 24th annual Rotary Chesapeake Bay Conference, a program based at Christchurch School in Middlesex County, June 23-27.
Sponsorship of the annual conference has won significant achievement awards for the Gloucester Rotary Club from both Rotary International and Rotary’s District 7610.
Past District Governor Juanita Cawley said the international award, issued and signed by Rotary International President Ron Burton, recognizes clubs for outstanding community service projects. The Gloucester club was recognized for the same achievement with a certificate signed by Cawley, who served as district governor for the term ending June 30.
In addition, Gloucester Rotary received meritorious awards in vocational and club service categories and a Meritorious Club Excellence Award for the past club year.
According to Gloucester Rotary spokesperson Bob Marble, the annual conference blended fun, fellowship and educatio...
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