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Gloucester resident keeps her family’s ham business on the move

The well-known company Padow’s Hams had its beginning in Richmond in 1936. Stephanie Padow Manheim of Gloucester, third generation, is today in charge of shipping online orders of these hams plus the many other products that Padow’s Hams offer.

Stephanie is the granddaughter of George Padow who, those many years ago, opened his grocery and retail outlet in the Jackson Ward area of Richmond. His store was soon known for its quality hams and meats at reasonable prices.

In 1980, the second-generation operator Sidney Padow (Stephanie’s father) and her uncle, Eddie Padow, decided to leave the grocery business and expand to meet the needs of their customers. In 1988 they opened their first Padow’s Ham and Deli in the Willow Lawn Shopping Center. Today, four franchises plus the store in Glen Allen are still in operation.

“I was in high school when my grandfather died,” Stephanie said. Before joining the family business she had another interesting career, teaching school for 20 years...

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