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Gloucester planners hear capital needs requests

Gloucester should have a new office building to serve its animal control functions, Chief Animal Control Officer Stephen Baranek said during a Gloucester Planning Commission meeting on Nov. 2.

Baranek and several other department heads presented their requests to be included in the county’s FY 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan. No action was taken at the meeting.

The commission members will individually rank the CIP requests and then are expected to forward their recommendations to the Gloucester Board of Supervisors in December, planner Sean McNash said. Some of the CIP requests are expected to be included in the FY 2019 budget that County Administrator Brent Fedors will present to the board in March.

There are two animal control buildings on Beehive Drive behind Shoppes at Gloucester, Baranek said. The more modern building was built in 1999, but has no restroom and little space for an office. Therefore, county staff and volunteers from the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society ...

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